Wednesday 11 May 2011

Pilates and Pregnancy - Important Exercises

Pilates is commonly prescribed as a great exercise for pregnancy - the reasons for this include:
  • low impact
  • low intensity
  • good core focus
  • postural awareness
  • mind body awareness and connection
  • mobility and flexibility
  • pelvic floor conditioning
  • focus on breathing
Pregnancy is very individual, so it important that pregnant participants seek out qualified relevant advice before embarking on a Pilates programme during their pregnancy.   At a minimum, you should check with your doctor or medical practitioner prior to attempting any Pilates exercises.  However, as a general guide, the following exercises are of great benefit during your pregnancy:

Clams are an important glute and deep external rotator strengthener.  It is important to keep these mucles toned during pregnancy to provide support to the pelvis and the sacro illiac joints, which often become looser as a result of higher levels of the hormone "relaxin" during pregnancy.
Abdominal centreing is one of the basic principles of Pilates.  During pregnancy, you should avoid lying on your back after your first trimester.  The all fours position is a wonderful release for the lower back during pregnancy, and an excellent position to practice abdminal centreing.
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of exercising your pelvic floor muscles - remember this is the "two for one" muscle work out, as your transverse abdominus muscles are also contracted when you engage your pelvic floor.  Important both pre and post natal.
Again, an important exercise for strengthening the supportive muscles to the pelvis.

For a more individualised program, be sure to consult with your Pilates practitioner.

Until next time,
Natasha Debsieh
Practical Pilates