We often talk about centreing in Pilates class. Generally I use this term to describe the engagement of deep core muscles - your pelvic floor, your transverse abdominus and some lower back/pelvic stabilisers. Centreing describes an intrinsic connectedness around which all other parts of the body revolve or rotate. You can "centre" yourself by engaging your pelvic floor and gently scooping your abdominals in towards your spine. We often talk about "squeezing into a tight pair of jeans" as a feeling for centreing.
It occurred to me that cueing the phrase centreing often supports a greater purpose with Pilates. In our day to day lives we are often very mentally distracted from our bodies. Our mind is racing through thousands of thoughts in a short period of time and we easily become disconnected from our physical selves. By focussing our thoughts on our inner corset, even for just a few minutes, a sense of connection flows through the whole self. This can ground us back in the present and allow an opportunity to fully devote ourselves to our practice.
The use of centreing as a description also supports Joseph Pilates philosophy describing our core as our "powerhouse," a source of controlled energy supporting all movement in the body. If we feel movement originating from the inside out we are purposefully reconnected with our physical self, giving us a sense of control over our bodies. This is grounding and can be very empowering. Grounding is not necessarily a static state - as we connect with our breath we become more grounded. Lengthening our muscles and enhancing our range of movement also supports further grounding. Focussing on the precision of each movement continues the grounding process.
Centreing and grounding through Pilates allows us to walk away from a session renewed - we have refreshed a source of energy and reestablished a natural connection to our physical self and a satisfying sense of acccomplisment.
My family and I were fortunate enough to get away over the New Year period for a few days of outdoor adventures in the snowy mountains. Between bushwalking, mountain biking, bobsleds and swimming I had the opportunity to observe how Pilates impacted my execution of these physical activities. I was so grateful for the connection with my deep core muscles as we traipsed across uneven group (mountain goat anyone?) and navigated complex roots and boulders on the bike. I was so pleased to have knowledge of the best stretches to release tension from tight muscles and realign my posture after carrying a loaded pack.
Even after all the adventures were over, I was surprised to find myself integrating Pilates principles into unpacking our holiday, balancing uneven heavy loads.
I would like to observe a wonderful gratitude for this amazing body, capably taking me through such pleasurable adventures. I warmly embrace the strength, grace, awareness and connection that Pilates has given me with my body.
I truly hope that Pilates bring you the same sense of satisfaction no matter what your activity of choice.
Until the next adventure.